Jonah and Nahum Bible Study

Click on the picture above to view or download Kathleen Dalton’s newest Bible Study – a study of two Old Testament prophets who both prophesied to the same people but never knew each other. Their prophecies were about 100 years apart.  Jonah came first, and even though he didn’t want to do what God asked him to do,Continue reading “Jonah and Nahum Bible Study”

First Chapter of Jonah – Questions (2nd Week of our Jonah and Nahum Study)

Here are the questions for tomorrow’s Bible Study at the Greenwood Library – the 1st Chapter of Jonah – the part where he runs away from God, gets tossed overboard, and swallowed by a whale.   Ha!  I’ve never had a day that bad.

Minor Prophets – Why Do They Do It?

An Introduction to the twelve Minor Prophets of the Old Testament…and a Few Minor Prophets of Today. In the Old Testament there were twelve Minor Prophets.  They were ordinary men.   Seven (7) of them were pretty much unknowns, and then there was a country boy, a man of royal lineage, an old man, a priest,Continue reading “Minor Prophets – Why Do They Do It?”